

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Blended Fish

I have no creativity left after an evening wearing a cape and putting fish in a blender. I'm just not sure where you go from there.

Dan Akroyd Bass-O-Matic
We had good giggles tonight at our Fat Tuesday Follies. I didn't hear the final tally on pancakes, but I know it was in the hundreds. We handed out wild prizes, listened to some great music, and also heard some silly songs. I have to say Virgil Fredenberg's rendition of "If My Nose Was Running Money" was a highlight for my life.

The crowd was a mix from several congregations and many of our food pantry clients who are now convinced that we are a bit off the norm. It was actually entertaining to explain time and again what we were doing.

We live in the tension between feast and fast, sorrow and joy, silly and serious.

I love the wild antics and rich foods of Fat Tuesday and I love the silence and confessions of Ash Wednesday. I can't live one place or the other for too long, but I appreciate the rhythm of them both. I love the seasons of the church that make me joyful when I take life too seriously and somber when I have grown too flippant.

Now I'm just tired.

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