

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


My kiddos and I went for a fabulous hike on Monday. 

Sophie got wet. 

She always gets wet.

I used to pack a change of clothes because she always ended up swimming, but I thought we had moved beyond that.

And I am the kind of mom who puts a hat on her wet foot and we keep going. 

It was a stunningly beautiful day and trip, but unfortunately I had We are the Champions stuck in my head. That is now on my list of least favorite songs to get stuck.

I try to be aware of what is incredibly annoying to me and to others.

When I lived in an intentional Christian community in Georgia without most of the entertainment trappings we're so used to, we would entertain ourselves by seeing who could get the most annoying song stuck in each other’s heads.

You would get points if someone started humming the song you quietly sang around the house. 
More points if they actually sang part of the song. 
Super points if they cursed you for getting some horrible song stuck in their heads. 
Bonus points were awarded for Elvira or I’m a Rhinestone Cowboy.

If you can’t annoy those you love in good Christian kindness, then what fun is there in life?

So why do I hate having We are the Champions stuck in my head, but I’m happy to sing Bohemian Rhapsody until the cows come home?

The girls and I went through all our least favorite stuck songs to see if there was a pattern. Elijah would have participated in the conversation but he was hitting things with a stick and eating an icicle.

Worst songs to get stuck in your head (including Weird Al versions):
  1. Feliz Navidad
  2. Inspector Gadget theme song
  3. VeggieTales theme song
  4. Too Shy (hush hush eye to eye)
  5. We are the Champions
  6. Elvira 
  7. Rhinestone Cowboy
  8. Pina Colada song
  9. Beat It

The pattern we noticed (besides the VeggieTales theme song) is:
  1. Songs where we only know a few words and repeat them while racking our brains to try and figure out the rest
  2. Tunes that are repetitive without complexity
  3. Awkward outbursts that make people stare (A pastor singing No time for losers is embarrassing even for me)

Then we commenced seeing who could get the worst song stuck in the other’s heads. 

It’s truly fun and better than playing on your phone any day.

What better way to bring in the new year than annoying those we love?

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