

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Proud Moment

I had a wonderful parental moment when my thirteen year old Hannah took the lead in the confusing train station in Kuala Lumpur.  She knew what she was looking for and confidently led us to it through the crazy crowds.

When I think of the qualities that I desire for my children, bravery is one of the top. I have tried to train myself as a parent not to say “be careful.” That’s not easy.  There is something so natural about trying to make bubbles around the ones we love and imagining that if they are full of care then they can dodge all that comes their way.  I’m afraid that is a great way to raise cowards.

I want my children to get hurt, to know enough suffering so they can be resilient through it and not destroyed.  I want them to take risks so they know what if feels like to be alive.  And I want them to make good choices.  Those are the words that they often leave the house hearing, “Make good choices” and my other favorite phrase is, “Remember choices have consequences.” 

I don’t want them to be full of care and try to live life safely.  I want them to be wise, brave and compassionate. Sometimes I think the church tries to be safe and careful when we are called to be wise, brave, and compassionate.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We need a LIKE button here! Yes, you have awesome offspring because they have awesome parents. However, from one world traveler to another, do be vigilant. The first time I saw a pint sized (child) pick pocket at work was in your part of the world! Your family does contrast with the local skin and hair color, so be vigilant.