

Monday, November 30, 2020


 Gifts don't always work out the way I imagine. 

The She-wee was a disappointment; it's really just a glorified rubber hose. I thought I'd have the freedom to pee anywhere, but there is the issue of dripping and storing a rubber hose with urine on it in your backpack. That's gone into a drawer waiting for the next rummage sale.

There's the InstantPot that never quite worked for me. I know people swear by them, but I realized I really like to taste and see food while I'm cooking since I don't follow a recipe. Kirt pulls it out every now and then, but mostly it is hanging out in Hannah's closet keeping the ice cream maker company.

Forty lava lamps arrived one year, and as much as I love lava lamps, that was a few too many even for me.

I once argued that I wanted a crockpot more than world peace because it seemed a little more practical, but this year I'm asking for world peace. 

Maybe not full on shalom, but a respite from meanness and cruelty. I'd appreciate one of those moments like in WWI when the enemies took a break and sang Silent Night together, realizing they weren't that different.  

This Christmas, I'd like an evening without fear, abuse, and lies. Let's all take a break from dehumanizing each other and celebrate how wonderfully different and similar we are.

I know that sounds ridiculous so maybe I'll go back to the practical. I'd like a collection of curry powders. I love curries and they bring with them a warmth and comfort like few other foods.

 Food is always my go-to when I feel like peace is too much of a stretch. If we can't all get along, then maybe at least we can all have a good dinner and give thanks for that. 


CW said...

I hope you at least tried to write your name in the snow PT!!

Tari Stage-Harvey said...

I don't have enough hands to maneuver that. I'm better off jumping around.