

Monday, May 18, 2020


I wore my new eggplant mask to Costco today. 

It makes me laugh for so many reasons.

I'm not a huge fan of shopping and even less of trying to chit chat while shopping and now a mask cranks it all up a little bit more. The eggplants definitely help and there was a sweet lady today who complimented my beautiful mask. I love my town.

And I've really loved the PSAs on the radio reminding us that we are all in this together. There is a gift to being off the road system and knowing we are all stuck in this together so we need to figure it out together. 

But here's my question for today: how did this pandemic become so politically divisive? 

Political leaders have moved to the top of my prayer list. I don't know all the pressures on them. I know that I'm feeling the weight of responsibility on my little decisions and I can't even imagine what they are feeling. 

I'd be okay if we dropped the party system and asked every leader to spend time with people they love and respect who disagree with them. We could set up dates where leaders have to wear eggplant masks and discuss a whole range of ideas about how we will get through this economically, physically, and mentally. It's going to take all of us and our perspectives to get through this without imploding. 

I'm concerned that the fringes have become normal and I miss arguments where I walk away with new insight instead of shaking my head wondering if this person lives in the same reality as I do. 

If we can't achieve some sense of togetherness and civility in crisis, and we can't use eggplant emojis without it meaning something erotic, then I'm voting for mass production of eggplant masks for all politicians. How hostile and divisive can you be staring at someone's beautiful eggplant face? 

1 comment:

Erika XCJ said...

Thank you, Pastor Tari! I also want to learn from people who disagree with me. Having good friends in different political parties these days sometimes feels like doing the splits but I wouldn't have it any other way. I need all of them. In other news, I had a dental procedure today and I look way better in a mask. But if I really need to social distance, I can lift my mask and smile...