

Monday, December 17, 2018

An Argument For Why I Need More Books (and probably more sweaters)

I'm out of books. This makes me very sad.

I need books. 

I've been digging through some of the kids' stuff and recently read Feed by M.T. Anderson and The Crossover by Kwame Alexander. I would recommend both for their non-traditional writing styles and for giving me a wider perspective on the world.

And that's what a good book does. 

Books don't make me escape reality, but they make reality richer and wider (okay, maybe Janet Evanovich is an escape). Reading helps me imagine the intricacies, pain and possibilities of this beautiful world. It also reveals my blind spots. 

I got thinking about this today on my hike while wondering what I would read when I got home.

Here's what I saw today while out hiking:

I stood in one spot and simply turned my head, but the view was radically different.

It may seem trite, but that's what a book does for me. Reading turns my head. 

I believe our dilution of language and adoration of busyness have cost us dearly.  Reading seems like a leisure activity that should be skipped for something more productive or more entertaining. But reading books is not optional in our home.

I need books to keep arrogance and despair at bay. I'd also argue we all need books to foster a bit more compassion, understanding, and creativity. 

I also need sweaters. I always need more sweaters. I'm not sure why other than I love sweaters and how else will I stay warm while I read.

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