

Thursday, April 13, 2017

French Kissing a Chicken

I feel like a boundary has been crossed in our household. 

Tonight as I was talking to my chicken, she perked right up and stuck her beak into my mouth. I think she mistook my tongue for a worm, but this is unacceptable behavior even for a beloved chicken. I rinsed my mouth out with vodka and hydrogen peroxide so I'm pretty sure I'm okay now.

Not one of the 37 pictures of my
chicken - please note.
I have some boundary issues. Not the normal ones. Don't worry, your children are safe with me.

But, I do forget that people don't want to hear about their pastor's sex life. 

I share stuff on purpose, in case you were wondering. 

I think it's an important part of ministry to celebrate healthy and vibrant sexuality. It might be the best counter to pornography that we have. Celebrating sexuality in proper context is a faithful response to the weird mix of prudishness and warped sex industry that plagues our country.

But, I won't do it anymore because it makes people uncomfortable. Unless I forget, or think discomfort is helpful in growth.

I have also realized that trying to publicize Palm Sunday as "Get you Ass back into Church" was a bad idea. I'm sorry for any offense I might have caused by this brilliant homograph. 

Except I'm not that sorry. 

Boundaries are helpful and vital. We should not stick our beaks into each other's mouths. It's unsanitary and a horrible idea. 

But there are times that we need to push back on the prudish piety that lets us disguise good manners as faith. Again, I'm all about good manners and civility, but sometimes creating a safe space where folks can be present with all their messes means profanity and crassness. 

The incarnation is about taking the profane and making it sacred. We too often hide the profane and settle for sterility. 

I could use some reminders about using better manners. I don't mean to offend so please tell me when I'm hurtful. 

But I do mean to push. 
I want what causes shame and brokenness to be brought into the light so it may be healed. 
I want people to move from isolation into community.  
I want my chicken to love me without tongue.

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