

Monday, September 19, 2016

February 30

Kirt and I grew up in the same church but we are several years apart so we never knew each other. It wasn't until a fateful night at the Turnbull house when I showed up out of college hungry for a free dinner and he showed up as a sweet nineteen year old for a Bible study that we got to know each other. 

We disagree about how the meeting went, but since it's my blog I get to tell my story. It was snowing and I was wearing Birkenstocks (with socks naturally). He threw one of my sandals out into the snow and refused to get in unless I agreed on a cup of coffee. Luckily Perkins served bottomless cups of coffee so we drank until nearly 4 am. 

We went out every night that week and then I left to backpack around Europe for a month. I called him once when I met a cute guy to see if we were serious and he said no so there you go. I don't remember the cute guy's name, but he did teach me how to pronounce umlauts in German. 

I got back to Ohio for a short bit before I headed to Alaska to live in a remote native village. I asked him when his birthday was and he told me February 30. I'm not the quickest cracker in the box; I was just excited we were born in the same month. 

He didn't write back often. I'm a persistent dingbat and when Valentine's Day rolled around, I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. 


He did the "we need some space; I'm not ready for commitment" thing and I cried through that Valentine's Day until I got really pissed as my calendar skills finally kicked in.

We figured it out and we're still figuring out. If a perfect marriage is peace and order, then we don't have a perfect marriage. If it is about offering grace and space for disappointment and disagreement as well as delight then I think we are close to perfect.

Today is Kirt's real birthday. Turd. I figured it out after we got married. 

I'm so thankful he is alive.

I'm not the easiest person to live with and somehow my beloved has figured out how to live with my sometimes outlandish quirks and still smile at me or go to bed because he can't handle any more. 

He recently went with fear and trembling to get me yet another new phone. I just wanted a better camera and now I have a phone the size of my head. But, he taught me how to use it and I only took a couple of pictures upside down. There wasn't any yelling or threats to go back to stone tablets this time. Or my flip phone that I still miss.

He makes my world beautiful. 

The transition into the police world has not been easy on our family, but it has been amazing to watch Kirt find his vocation and make the community a better place. He is brave and compassionate. How wonderful to get to watch him live that out. He's also a toddler when he's tired, but who isn't?

I can't believe I thought it was February 30 for so long. Wow. That's embarrassing, but somehow he still loves me. Turd.

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