

Monday, August 3, 2020

Fine Print

I've developed a stupid allergy to Alaskan sun and heat. It hasn't been an issue this summer, but after two months of rain the sun came out and I'm back on meds. That's not the funny part, though.

The funny part was reading the warnings that say I should call the doctor if my vomit looks like coffee grounds; I should not attempt making coffee with them. Okay, that last part wasn't included, but sometimes I think signage has low expectations of people's intelligence or sense of responsibility. 

Maybe we all deserve this, but I'm not sure how to reconcile a nation that feels the need to explain to people that vomiting something that looks like coffee grounds is a really bad thing but at the same time misses that lead in pipes poisons people. 

Living is dangerous to your health. I don't need a risk assessment on everything, but I do appreciate some clarity about the big stuff.  I'm not a scientist or doctor so I appreciate guidance by those who are, but please assume I have a wee bit of sense. And if it is really important, don't bury it in the fine print because I wouldn't be reading it if I weren't stuck inside.

On another note, but also regarding reading fine print for entertainment value, I found in our  church's insurance policy a new provision that we are not covered in case of civil war. 

That almost makes me want to vomit coffee grounds.

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