

Monday, February 24, 2020


I did my first attempt at yoga this morning. It was an app because I'm embarrassed to attempt a public class where people are expected to know their left hand from their right. I feel like making Ls with every new direction to figure out my left hand would interrupt my breathing.

It was fun enough. I stretched things I haven't stretched before and I learned some new names of moves, which I immediately forgot. I was really good at what I call "double dog dare" position, but I'm pretty sure that's not the correct name.

We begin the season of Lent in the church this Wednesday. I love the seasons of the church. I love the change of colors, music, and rhythms. I like to tell people that if you love or hate what we are doing now, don't worry, it will only last a season. 

Those were regular pep talks to myself when the kids were small. There were things I couldn't do with three small children, but that only lasts a season. There were things I adored with three small children, but that only lasts a season.

Lent is one of my favorite seasons. It is a time of pruning. We are expected to cut back the parts of life that are taking so much energy and not producing fruit. And it is a time of feeding. We take a look at our lives to see what needs some attention; what can help us grow. In other words, you give something up and you risk something new.

Here's the possible list of ideas I handed out in church, in case you're bored of giving up chocolate.

Places to prune:
  1. Single use plastic - straws, bags, packaging
  2. Screens - make a goal that is attainable i.e. one hour on weekdays and two on weekends
  3. Gossip or criticism - say something that builds up every time a nasty thought enters
  4. Alcohol - Alcohol still kills more people than drug overdoses in Alaska. Lent is a great time to check in with your body and make sure you are not hooked.
  5. Convenience Foods/Meats - Fast from meat or processed food once or twice a week
  6. Forwarding Social Media without fact checking
Possible new habits:

  1. Worship regularly
  2. Give $5 to anyone who asks
  3. Journal 
  4. Prepare and eat meals with others
  5. Read scripture and poetry
  6. Walk 20 minutes a day
I'm going to say this out loud even though it kills me a little. I'm going to take a break from coffee. Holy guacamole. I love coffee and I think there is a good chance I'll be irritable in the morning without it, but that's probably why I need to give it a break. And I'm taking on yoga. It seems like a good chance to explore something new and who can resist double dog dare you.

1 comment:

CW said...

You folks continue to be part of us even after all these years. Love, even the love of friendship, spans time and space.