

Monday, April 15, 2019


There are so many wonderful surprises that come with age - like where hair starts to grow. 

It makes me laugh and I keep reminding my beloved that I have a secret crush on Chewbacca so any extra hair he grows doesn't matter. Then our conversation devolves into Chewbacca not wearing pants, his hygiene and sooner or later dingleberries. This keeps us from ever talking about my hair.

We're in for the long haul together and it has lovely times, challenging times, and times when I talk to my chickens. Part of what keeps it lovely is being open to surprises. I'm not going to mention that I'm ahead in the ping pong game count, even though that's a huge surprise.

I'll share instead my surprise over Ip Man. I do like martial art movies, not the gory ones, but I enjoy a well choreographed fight. It was Kirt's night to choose the movie and he chose what looked like a pathetic martial arts movie and I might have whined and talked about how much it was going to suck. I'm not always charming and kind.

But, I was wrong. If you haven't watched Ip Man, even though it's not a real promising beginning, it is amazing. It's based on a true person Yip Man who was a martial arts master and teacher of Wing Chun (one of his students was later Bruce Lee). Ip Man stood up to the Japanese army when they invaded China and he had to rebuild a life after persecution and poverty. 

So I had to apologize for whining and admit that I was surprised and thankful that my beloved didn't listen to me. It wasn't what I expected. 

Expectations are not always helpful, especially when we are so set on them that we'll ruin an experience just to prove we were right (or it can go the other way and you post a million smiling pictures even though the experience stunk). 

We're entering Holy Week in the church when we relive and remember all the surprises and upended expectations of Jesus. He washes feet, he weeps in prayer, he is betrayed by a dear friend, he dies a scandalous death, and he leaves the tomb empty. 

I try not to overthink and analyze this week. It's not the week for cynicism, but a week of showing up willing to be surprised because life is rarely what we expect.


Marleen said...

So true Tari. Life is full of surprises. Some good, some not so good, and always life goes on. I love this week. I remember sitting in the empty, stark, church with the boys and Mom, taking our turns for not leaving the church alone, from good Friday afternoon until Saturday evening. Then coming in Sunday Easter to it being full of life. I loved all of it. Still think about that.

Tari Stage-Harvey said...

Thanks Marleen. We still do the prayer vigil up here in Alaska so you can come up this weekend and join us:)